Introduction to Parrot CTFs
new to PCTFs? Need some help getting started? Check out this article for a complete guide on the platform!
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Parrot CTFs aims to provide a comprehensive and immersive learning experience for ethical hackers and cybersecurity enthusiasts. Our platform offers a variety of challenges in the form of virtual machines, simulating real-world security issues and vulnerabilities, constantly updated and curated by our dedicated community and dedicated content creator team.
We offer scenarios that mimic real-world situations, in the form of CTF challenges that encourage creative and critical thinking while throwing users into a real-world engagement each time you do a CTF. Our goal is to continually innovate by providing fresh and engaging hacking challenges.
Visit us at Parrot CTFs and start your journey today!
The Dashboard
Parrot CTFs Professional Lab Content
Professional Lab Machines are instances of vulnerable virtual machines, designed to simulate real-world scenarios.
These virtual environments include services, operating systems, and hardware running on our servers. Machines are categorized by difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Insane, and they can host a variety of operating systems, including Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, and more.
For more information check out playing capture the flags.
Parrot CTFs Challenges
Challenges are bite-sized applications designed to test various pentesting techniques. They come in three main difficulties: Easy, Medium, and Hard, indicated by the coloring of their entries on the list. The goal? For you to attack and conquer them.
Fuzzing Challenges are free downable zip files that are self-contained reverse engineering labs.
Hacking rooms are lab machine challenges that are not Capture the flags but are simulations of a VAPT test.
Parrot CTFs Red Team Forest
The Red Team Forest is an advanced, immersive environment designed to simulate complex network infrastructures and real-world attack scenarios. This lab environment provides a dynamic and challenging experience for red teamers, allowing you to hone your skills in a controlled yet realistic setting.
To learn more, check out Red Team Forest
Each Red Team Forest Lab comes complete with an overview, showing how realistic the environment is, Relating academy courses, and Areas of interest.
- Active Directory Hacking
- Thick Client Hacking
- Web Application Penetration Testing
- Network Penetration Testing
- API Penetration Testing
Parrot CTFs Blue Team Lagoon
The Blue Team Lagoon is a comprehensive environment designed for defenders and Soc Analysts to practice and enhance their cybersecurity skills. This immersive lab provides realistic scenarios where blue teamers can engage in threat detection, incident response, and defense strategies in a controlled yet dynamic setting.
If you want to learn more, check out Blue Team Lagoon
Each Blue Team Lagoon Lab comes complete with an overview, showing how realistic the environment is, Relating academy courses, and Areas of interest.
Areas of Focus:
- Malware Analysis
- Online Investigations
- SIEMs and SOC Tools
- Sysinternal Suite
- Incident Response
Levels, Points and Other Gamification.
The points system is pretty straight forward, Each Lab Machine or Challenge has points you can earn by completing them. Easy lab machines will have less points while the harder machines have more points. This also contributes how far you are on the leaderboard.
Levels are a way to gain reputation on the platform. As you complete more of the platform your rank will rise.
Battle Grounds
Battle Grounds is a place where you can challenge your friends, hop in a video call, race to see who can capture the flags faster. You will get notified if you are challenged by a user on the platform, simply ignoring it will decline and the other users will move forward.
VIP Account
At Parrot CTFs we offer a trial account and a VIP account. We also offer an account for students and that has all the features a VIP account has with a discount.
- All Professional Labs
- All Red Team Lagoon Labs
- All Blue Team Lagoon Labs
- Unlimited Hack Box Deploys
- Academy Course Access
For College Students
- All Professional Labs
- All Red Team Lagoon Labs
- All Blue Team Lagoon Labs
- Unlimited Hack Box Deploys
- Academy Course Access
To learn more about the VIP accounts and checkout pricing.
Account Analytics
Lab Machine Completion, Levels and Points
When you complete a lab, it will update in your public profile. This is one way you can show off your skills, points and levels. When you complete a lab first you get root blood and user blood, this basically means you are the first person out of all users to complete that lab.
Skill Analysis
Skill analytics on Parrot CTFs are determined based on the types of lab machines you have successfully compromised. These analytics provide insights into your strengths and areas for improvement by evaluating your performance across various challenges and scenarios.
Platform Contributions
If you are planning on being a content creator for the platform, you can keep track of what you have on our platform through your settings page, under user's platform contribution, whether it is writeups, lab machines, or courses we appreciate your support!