Playing Red Team Forest

Taking on Red Team Forest Lab? Not sure how to get started?


Last Update 2 maanden geleden

Parrot CTFs offers players that have gained enough experience in the penetration testing field the option to practice in real life simulated engagements with different technologies. 

We launch new Red Team Labs often. Some of the technologies you may encounter are: 

  • Thick Client Applications
  • Active Directory 
  • Web Applications
  • APIs 
  • Cloud Machines 
  • S3 Buckets 
  • IOT Devices 

and more...

Red team labs are often given as Grey or Black Box assessments. In the case where it is not a Black Box you will be given some credentials to access the environments and will not need to find your initial foothold. This is so you can practice assumed breach scenarios as well as full external. 

The Lab Overview

In the lab overview you can see what the lab may entail, such as if the network resembles an Enterprise Setting or a Small Business Setting. Whether it has Active Directory. You can also check to see if there is a Parrot CTFs Academy Course that may teach you what is in this lab. 

Under the language settings you can see what programming languages would help aid you in this lab vs not having programming skills. You can also check the categories section will include a lot of the actions that may take place or vulnerabilities that you may encounter. 

The Red Team Lab Room

This is the red team entry point. You can see the machine control settings, as well as information about the machine, and questions you submit after completing the lab machines. You may also need to be connected to the Professional Labs VPN. 

Starting the Lab

In your lab machines control panel, you will see the entry point to the lab, you may have a ZIP file with an application you have to test, or the IP address to start your test on. 

Red Team Forest Labs have more than one thing to compromise and almost always include pivoting of some kind. It may be from a thick client to the underlying server, or from a web application to workstation to a domain controller or router. 

Completing the lab

All Parrot CTFs machines, have questions attached to them to serve as proof you have completed the lab. User flags are found in the Desktop or Home Directory of compromised devices or the "end goal compromise". 

Resetting a lab 

Things are bound to break at some point. Not to worry you can fix a lot of lab machine issues by resetting the lab. 

You can usually reset on the same page you started the lab machine on, in the case where you are still having issues you can use the support chat to reach out to our team members and we will reset the lab manually again.  

Subscription to Red Team Forest

All you need is an Essential VIP or Student VIP plan. For more information check out the pricing page. 

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