Parrot CTFs VIP

Not sure what VIP means? Want to know Student VIP vs Essential VIP?


Last Update 6 เดือนที่แล้ว

Parrot CTFs has three plans for individual accounts, that is free, essential VIP and student VIP. Below we will show you what each plan has access to and their costs. 

Services IncludedTrial AccountEssential VIP
Student VIP
Hacking VMsyesyesyes
Release Arenayesyesyes
Red Team Forest noyesyes
Red Team Forestnoyesyes
Blue Team Lagoonnoyesyes
Academy Coursesnoyesyes

What is Essential VIP? 

This is the one singular sub you will need to gain access to everything this platform has to offer, it does not matter if it is a different service this one subscription has you covered! You can view more information about that here

What is student VIP? 

If you are a college student or go to a college that has a email given out to you with a .edu domain. You can verify it and use that email as a way to get a discount on your VIP subscription. 

How do you verify? 

If you enter your email in the input field and click, send email you should receive an email that when clicked will verify your student email and convert your Parrot CTFs Account into a Student Account. 

Click on the verify me link. 

You are now a verified student! 

You will pay $3.00 less than essential VIP. 

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