Introduction to Parrot CTFs Academy

New to Parrot CTFs Academy?


Last Update 5 months ago

Looking for more information? Learn about Parrot CTFs Academy, the Challenges system, and the platform structure here.
Parrot CTFs Academy is a cybersecurity training platform crafted the Parrot CTFs way! Our academy is designed to bring together everything we've learned over the years, meet our community's needs, and create a comprehensive "University for Hackers."

We offer step-by-step cybersecurity courses that cover information security theory and practical examples and prepare you to participate in Parrot CTFs Labs. Academy offers both guided and exploratory learning. It teaches you not only how to hack but how to develop a hacking mindset that will prove invaluable in both assessing and creating secure systems.

Parrot CTFs Academy is highly interactive and is intended to be a streamlined learning process that is simultaneously educational and fun. Material on Academy is presented in digestible chunks, with practical examples and real command output to supplement the theory. 

Target systems are provided that will allow you to test out the knowledge covered in the courses and gauge your retention of the material.These target instances can be accessed through your own machine by connecting with a provided VPN package or by using a provided Pwnbox instance.

Ready to start your journey? Visit Parrot CTFs Academy enroll in courses and begin enhancing your cybersecurity skills today!

Signing up to the academy. 

You can use the same email address across anything Parrot CTFs related. This includes: 

  • Parrot CTFs API
  • Parrot CTFs Events
  • Parrot CTFs Academy
  • Professional Labs
  • Business or University Login

The Dashboard 

The Dashboard is your landing page after logging in. From here, you can navigate to all sections of the platform using the left side menu.

Parrot CTFs Course Module Overview

View information about the courses, including the module sections of what the course will cover. You can also expect a mix of video content and text content. 

We have a mix of text and video-based content. We will often times show you some real work attacks taking place using our lab machines as testing machines for the modules purpose. 

To learn more about the modules view intro to modules

One subscription to rule them all. 

We have no coins, no point exchange system, just a single VIP voucher and you get access to everything this platform has to offer. 

For more information check out our pricing page. 

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